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Aw! How I love Spring! The crocus’ appearing. Buds opening on the trees. Cherry blossoms lining the streets. Daffodils smiling and dancing in the breeze. All these signs from nature to me signify an opportunity for reflection, renewal, and for new beginnings.

We typically do spring cleaning this time of year. There is something so therapeutic about going through closets and your office and purging those things you no longer need, including clothes you’ve outgrown or that are no longer your style. Gifting them to a thrift shop or charity are a great way to fill yourself up.

How about thinking about spring cleaning “from the inside out”? Here are a few questions to reflect on and journal about.

What truly brings me joy? (e.g. activities, time in nature)

Who truly brings me joy?

What project, position, volunteer work no longer serves me?

What relationship(s) am I clinging to that no longer serve(s) me? Which friends do I really enjoy spending time with? Are there people I have drifted away from who I would like to reconnect with? Are there others who are no longer as close friends as before, yet who I still want in my life?

What steps am I committed to take to let go of that relationship, project, position that no longer serves me/brings me joy?

What new areas of focus do I want in my life?   What new project do I crave to start? Do I want to take a painting class? Start writing that new book?

By going inside and listening to what your heart and gut tell you, you will know the answers to the questions above.

I encourage you to take some time to reflect on what really brings you joy. What things or people are you ready to let go of? And what new passions do you want to explore or focus on?

For me it is my third book which is an historical fiction novel with Afghanistan as the backdrop. My intention in writing the book is dispel some myths about Afghanistan, Afghans and Islam. I have a heartfelt connection to this country and its people having lived and worked there for a significant amount of time. I feel the pain of what is currently happening in the country, knowing that at one time Kabul was a cosmopolitan city which was like a giant garden and a place where women wore mini-skirts (Would you believe!).

I welcome your thoughts and comments below. There is so much we can learn from each another.

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