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When is enough, enough?

When is enough, enough?

How do you know when it’s time to leave a position or career that no longer excites you?

What I’ve discovered in working with clients over the past 7 years, is that when we’re stuck in one part of our life, we’re usually stuck in other parts as well. The good news is when we take action on one aspect of our lives, we usually get “unstuck” and also move forward in other parts of our lives (e.g. in our relationships).

Here are some signs it is time to make a change:

  • Work and/or life are no longer fun for you
  • You are no longer challenged by or passionate about your work
  • You may often feel “wound up” and find it hard to relax
  • You feel SOoo tired
  • You frequently catch colds or get sick
  • You may be experiencing some new health issues

Barriers to Change/Moving Forward

What holds us back from leaving a position/career?

Barriers to change include:

  • Guilt that we will let people down
  • Rationalizing that we have invested so much time and money in a particular career/business that it doesn’t make sense to leave it
  • Fear of loss of approval
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Rationalizing that we have a good job, are making good money, and that we should be happy
  • Fear of not making enough money
  • Believing that we will never find the career/business of our dreams

Tips to help you embrace change and move forward

  • Rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being “thrive on it” and 10 being “scares me to death”) as to how you usually respond to change. How you’ve responded to life changes in the past will provide you with clues as to how you may respond to change now.
  • Reflect on your past experience with life changes; what have you learned that has supported you to adapt and move forward positively?
  • Change your perspective. View change as an opportunity: for self-growth and learning; for exploring new solutions and ways of doing things; for “putting on a new pair of glasses” and seeing the world differently.
  • Slow down and go inside yourself. Instead of keeping yourself busy, create some time and space for yourself each day. Set aside time in your schedule for you. Spend at least 30 minutes a day meditating, journaling, walking in nature, being.
  • Get in touch with and acknowledge your feelings. Don’t push away your feelings; experience them. This allows the process of healing from the inside out to begin.
  • Express those feelings. Draw, journal, paint, dance…
  • Nurture and take care of yourself. Make sure you eat well, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Do something special for yourself on occasion, such as going for a massage, having a bubble bath, buying a new outfit; remember you are special and deserve the best.
  • Reach out for support. Ask a friend, family member or life coach to help you. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and are not judgmental.

Based on past experience, how do you know that it’s time to leave a position or career? What strategies have you found useful to propel you forward/embrace change? I invite your comments below. Feel free to share this post with others. If you would like some support to rediscover your passion and find the career or business of your dreams this may be of interest –


What’s Your BIG WHY?

What’s Your BIG WHY?

2012-10-21 16.46.39Pam&YPWhat is the one thing that makes you leap out of bed in the morning?

What is your reason for being?

What is that dream or vision that serves as a guidepost for you to focus on when there is chaos and life gets rough?

That’s your BIG WHY! Some people call it your life purpose. Your life purpose “touches your heart” and “gets you excited.”[1] As Marcia Weider, author of Making Your Dreams Come True says: “The broader you state your purpose the better, because the broader your purpose the more room there is for passion and possibility. “

Here are a few examples of life purposes:

  • To live life as an adventure and make a positive difference in the world
  • To inspire and support others to live their best lives ever
  • To learn and contribute to making the world a better place.

Mine, is to build peace in the world one woman at a time; because when I help a woman find inner peace, she can then build it in her family, community, workplace and… the world. It’s a huge life purpose and a bit scary, yet it inspires me every day and helps me focus when I feel I’m going into overwhelm.

How do you find your BIG WHY? A good place to start is to identify your passions. These are the things that light you up, make your soul sing and when you do them you lose track of time. It could be film editing, teaching and/or mentoring others; it could be painting or dancing to name a few. In a previous post, I shared some proven practices for identifying your top 3 to 5 passions – I encourage you do the exercises in that post if you haven’t already.

After doing those exercises or if you know your top 3 to 5 passions, take a few minutes to draft a life purpose statement using the stem: My life purpose is to:

Realize this is just the beginning and you will likely need to return to and reflect on what you’ve written and decide if it really truly is YOUR life purpose. A couple of helpful questions to ask related to your life purpose are: How do I want to be remembered? What am I most passionate about?

Getting in touch with your life’s purpose and drafting one that “feels good to you” will inspire you to move forward and make the changes necessary to create the life and work of your dreams. Have fun!

I’d love to hear from you. Share your comments and insights below. Feel free to share the post with others.

[1] Weider, M. Making Your Dreams Come True. New York: Harmony Books, 1999.

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