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Do You Want to have More Fun?

Do You Want to have More Fun?

Many of my coaching clients when they start to work with me say that they want to have more fun. They realize their lives are all about work, and they have little or no time for themselves, and to spend with others, to play and have fun. So What does fun look and feel like?

What does having fun look life for me?

It includes:

  • Spending time in nature by myself or with people I care about
  • Engaging in physical activity; e.g. swimming, cycling, hiking, kayaking, walking on the beach or by water
  • Sharing time truly connecting with others; e.g. over coffee, meals or at an event/experience
  • Laughing with others I feel close to; e.g. partner, family, friends
  • Creating something new that will make a difference; e.g. writing a book, article, designing a program or project
  • Exploring a new place (includes travel)
  • Appreciating beauty; e.g. in nature, music, art, dance …
  • Living life being open to possibility.

How do I feel when I’m having fun?

  • Light
  • Joyful
  • Free
  • in the flow
  • Present (in the moment)
  • Connected
  • Energized
  • Truly alive!

How does having fun relate to my top 5 core values? (For more details on values see Very well indeed! My top 5 core values are:

  • Connection
  • Adventure
  • Making a difference
  • Love of learning
  • Creativity

I invite you to ask yourself the following 3 questions and to share your responses and thoughts below:

  1. What does having fun look life for you?
  2. How do you feel when you’re having fun?
  3. How does having fun relate to your top 5 core values?

Here’s to having more fun in our lives!


Is a Mini-Sabbatical for You?

Is a Mini-Sabbatical for You?

At a recent retreat, one of the commitments I made was to gift myself a mini-sabbatical. This meant taking Mondays and Fridays off through July and August to do what I wished, and to free myself from work-related activities. As an entrepreneur, I often don’t take large blocks of time off during the summer as it’s when I typically design new programs, write or make website changes. So a mini-sabbatical sounded like a good idea.

Last Monday, the first day of my mini-sabbatical, was easy as we had moved the day before and had not retired till close to 3 am, so it was easy to sleep in and to not work. The first Friday was more challenging. I was “pulled” to check my email and to start writing down the design for my new group coaching program. That said, I found a nearby yoga studio online and tried out my first yoga class there. Amazingly I connected with a woman after class who has a similar background to mine, and who may become a new friend.

The first question I’ve started to ask myself on awakening is What will I do to nurture myself today? To me nurturing involves: doing yoga, meditating, going for walks in nature, being by, in, or on water, connecting with family and friends in person and virtually, and cooking a special meal for my Sweetie and myself. What do you do to nurture yourself? My mantra for 2016 is I am open to possibility, and I repeat it once or twice daily. I also am increasingly listening to and trusting in the messages my body sends me. Here’s a process my clients and I have found useful in making decisions –

So far on my mini-sabbatical I’ve noticed I feel more relaxed, more creative, more energized, lighter, and I’m finding that new like-minded people and opportunities are coming my way.

What would a mini-sabbatical look and feel like for you? Perhaps you’ve tried one before? I’d love to hear your thoughts below. Feel free to share this with a friend, colleague or family member.